meet the founder
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A Humble Bootmaker's Dream
We are a family owned and operated business, that handcrafts the highest quality work boots in the world. All our boots are made from American materials, right here in our workshop, nestled in the heart of the Pacific Northwest.
Our founder John Khadzhi, "JK", started his career in his teenage years when he became an apprentice cobbler in a small Ukrainian town where he grew up. He excelled quickly in his craft and knowledge of working with leather, and hand-building boots and shoes.

In 1994, while still in his late twenties, he moved to the United States bringing along his skills, honesty, and craftsmanship. With nearly nothing to his name, but a family he loved with his whole heart, and a dream to one day run a boot business with his sons.
His hard work, and expertise quickly earned him a high reputation in the boot building industry, when John began his own boot company, "JK Boots". He raised his sons in Eastern Washington teaching them the secrets of the trade, where they work together as bootmakers and businessmen to this day.
We are proud to have become well recognized and beloved by firefighters, loggers, welders, farmers, and the like, all throughout the Pacific Northwest.

"We do things differently here, we are your bootmakers"
Each pair of boots is handcrafted from start to finish making each one a unique masterpiece - with the same un-compromised quality.