Are you a wildland firefighter looking for a pair of boots that can stand up to the tough and rugged conditions of the job? Now before we dive into the full specs of the NFPA requirements, some of the details are...
NFPA will recommend one thing, but what do wildland firefighters out in the field wear? We've tested dozens of leather types and we ended up with one type of leather that does the best under the harsh conditions found during a long fire season.
Is there a reason why wildland fire boots have such high heels? Yes, actually, but the reason might not be what you expect. There are a few key benefits to such a high heel on logger boots and fire boots, and I'm diving into them here.
True American made work boots are a dying breed. Sure, you can find boots that are sewn together in the USA. Brands that print the Stars and Stripes on a little tag and attach it to the inside. But what...
Breaking in a tough pair of work boots? At JK, we’ve been handcrafting the most durable work boots since the mid ‘90s in Spokane, Washington, so we know a thing or two about breaking in tough boots. We ship a...
It all starts with the materials. Like with any noteworthy recipe, an artisan requires the best ingredients. Traditional bootmakers generally offer higher quality natural materials like leather that don’t break down with heavy wear and tear or suffocate your feet. Learn more about custom boots here...
Are you trying to decide if traditional steel toe or composite toe work boots are for you? Do you know the difference between the two and what benefits each provides? In this JK Journal article, we discuss the history of safety toed boots and the bet ways to protect your feet.
Have you ever wondered what type of leather JK Boots uses in our handmade work boots and why? This JK Journal article provides a general overview of the types of leathers we use and why they best apply to specific boot models based on how the boots are intended to be used.